To protect, conserve, improve and restore the natural resources and environment of the greater Nipissing area.
To encourage and foster an understanding and awareness of the natural resources and environment and their value in enhancing our quality of life, by organizing conferences, seminars, public meetings and distribution of information circulars on issues relating to the environment and its management and protection.
To conduct educational seminars, conferences and public forums about the flora, fauna, ecology, hydrology and geology of the greater Nipissing area.
To collect information on the state of the natural resources and environment, and to provide information for, and participate in, management decisions affecting the greater Nipissing area.
To act as a catalyst, in partnership with other organizations or individuals, assisting to achieve the desired outcome of projects that will benefit the natural resources and environment of the greater Nipissing area. The Council is directly involved in carrying out a wide range of projects and initiatives, as well as participating and supporting other partners with implementing their projects.